Last month, the City of Kelowna began construction on Lakeshore Road between Dehart and McClure as they prepare for infrastructure upgrades. This construction is slated to last until November and the final layer of asphalt and finishing will be completed next Spring.
Unfortunately, the delays and construction work may make it difficult for you to find us and visit our Lot Sales Centre this summer! With that in mind, we've put together a map to help you find the alternative route you need during the heavy construction periods.
While the drive up Lakeshore Road is spectacular, it isn't the only way to get to Kettle Valley!
You may also travel up Gordon Drive, turning right onto Steele Road and continuing on until you arrive at Chute Lake Road. From here, you will turn left and continue up and around to Kettle Valley. If you are visiting our lot sales centre, you will turn left onto Mountainside Drive and travel up the beautiful hills until you arrive at Jasper Way.
Trust us when we say that the views at our newest neighbourhood The Highlands are well worth the journey!