The “Legacy Neighbourhood” (410 Providence Ave) is an undeveloped 14.11 acre parcel of land in the master planned community of Kettle Valley, which is located at the heights of Kelowna’s Upper Mission. It is the last remaining parcel in the Kettle Valley development and provides an opportunity to complete the community with new housing and a range of amenities to serve the community over the long term.
The owners of the site are proposing to complete the final piece of the Kettle Valley Neighbourhood Plan with a range of housing, including 19 single family homes, 14 duplexes and 66 townhomes and several significant community amenities that will deliver long-term community benefits. These include a permanent, full-size sports field and landscaped pedestrian path that connects these amenity spaces.
The final Legacy Neighbourhood Plan designates nearly 50% of the site for parks and open space, protecting the hillside, providing new habitat and maintaining Cedar Creek Trail safe route between Main Street and Quilchena Parks. In addition to providing the land for new parks, Kettle Valley will be responsible for financing the facilities and constructing the proposed new park features.
The Legacy Neighbourhood includes a range of new single-family, duplex and townhome forms that address the needs of the community. The project will provide a variety of housing types, including smaller and more attainable housing options, designed to accommodate a range of demographics and income levels.
The project is still in the application stage and is not yet approved. Please fill out the form below or email us at lotsales@kettlevalley.com to receive information and updates.
The 1996 Master Plan designated the site as Educational Institution which allows for a two-storey secondary school with a full height gymnasium, playfield, 300 stall parking lot and bus drop-off loop.
Kettle Valley has permitted the City of Kelowna to operate the site as a sports field in a temporary lease until the site’s future was determined. In 2014, the School District determined that the land was no longer required for the development of a secondary school and released their interest to Kettle Valley.
Over the past 25+ years, the lands have been undeveloped. Now that the School District has removed their interest in the lands, the site offers the opportunity to reimagine the future and address community needs.
In 2017 and 2021, previous applications for the Kettle Valley Legacy Neighbourhood were presented to Council but did not receive sufficient support to move forward. In response, the Kettle Valley planning team has undertaken a robust community consultation and engagement process, including a series of community open houses, facilitated workshops and one on one meetings with neighbours and interested stakeholders. The final plan for the Legacy Neighbourhood reflects the community priorities identified during the consultation process.
In 2016, Kettle Valley submitted a Rezoning Application supported by staff (note: this application was submitted in 2016, and came before Council in 2017), the application proposed the following:
The 2020 Rezoning Application (note: this application was submitted in 2020, and came before Council in 2021) was developed in response to community feedback and Council's 2016 direction, reflecting a stronger focus on the new urbanist planning principles and proposed the following:
A rezoning and OCP amendment application was submitted in December 2022. The application came before Council for a Public Hearing on August 15, 2023 and received approval. While there are still technical and administrative requirements to be complete prior to breaking ground, we will prioritize the delivery of community amenities. We expect to start work on the sports field in the fall of this year and anticipate it will be completed by the spring of 2024. Construction of the Legacy Neighbourhood is anticipated to take place over three years, starting in spring/summer of 2024.
The 1996 Master Plan designated the site as Educational Institution which allows for a two-storey secondary school with surface parking. The rezoning and OCP amendment application seeks to amend the existing institutional zoning to accommodate residential uses as well as parks and open space.
The 1996 Kettle Valley Master Plan was approved for 1,028 residential and commercial units, currently with 917 units built.
The project statistics have evolved since the proposal was initially introduced to the community in 2016, taking into consideration feedback from community stakeholders and direction from City Staff. Since 2017, the Kettle Valley Team has hosted four Open Houses, a series of facilitated workshops (Listening Tour) and continue to meet with interested neighbours and stakeholders.
Key changes that have been implemented, and features that have been retained, in response to community input include:
The Kettle Valley team have been discussing the proposal with the community since it was first introduced in 2017 and have made a number of changes (see list above). While not all neighbours have the same priorities, we have done our best to respond to all suggestions, where feasible, resulting in a proposal that offers significant public benefits.
A number of factors have contributed to project delays, including an OCP update, a new zoning bylaw amendment which triggered a new application and an election. We submitted an updated OCP amendment and rezoning application in December 2022, consistent with the plans we presented to the community in April 2022 following the Listening Tour, and we hope to come before Council with our final plan in the spring/summer of 2023. If all moves ahead according to plan, we intend to have shovels in the ground this spring and deliver the new soccer field by the summer/fall of 2023.
We encourage participation in the public consultation process. You can provide your feedback by speaking with a member of the applicant team here tonight, attending our Public Information Meeting in the spring or participating at the Public Hearing. We would love to hear what you think about the final proposal for Legacy Neighborhood and we welcome you to fill in a comment card (note: the plan shown today is the version that will be presented to Council).
In addition to providing the land for new parks, Kettle Valley will be responsible for financing the facilities and constructing the proposed new park features. Subject to Council’s approval of the Final Legacy Neighbourhood concept, construction of the new soccer field will be prioritized. Development of the new soccer field is anticipated to begin in the summer/fall of 2023 and be complete by spring of 2024.
Subject to Council approval, we envision construction of the new soccer field to be complete by spring of 2024. Construction of the Legacy Neighbourhood is anticipated to take place over three years, starting in spring/summer of 2024.
If we are approved, construction will take place in accordance with the City’s noise bylaw. We will work with City of Kelowna Planning Staff to minimize any construction related disruption and/or unnecessary delays. We pride ourselves on being a good neighbour. Prior to, and during construction, we will provide neighbour updates on the construction program, what to expect, and who to call with concerns.